Join us for a matinee screening of a four-episode Halloween-themed arc of the hit animated series with cast and crew members in person! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles battle demon Savanti Romero as he travels through history assembling a team of mankind's worst monsters. With the help of time lord...
from Ninja Pizza
Arseniy and I thought we'd try our hand at selling some limited edition prints. Since the Russian Edition Ultimate Covers came out so nice it seemed a natural place to start. First up is the image used on the Tales of the TMNT Volume 2 edition- featuring pencils and inks by me and colors by the talented Dmitry Bobrovnik. It's really nice and there's only gonna be 50 so go check out eBay and grab yourself one!
from Ninja Pizza
We teamed up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to create seven limited edition pins, each inspired by a different arc from the show's fifth season: Tales of
from Ninja Pizza
A couple weeks ago, Nickelodeon released what will be one of the final Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DVDs (shy of complete season releases) as the series
from Ninja Pizza