As the debut of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series from Nickelodeon draws near, expect to start to see a new wave of merchandising hit stores. Early signs of the new merchandise have started to hit the Internet, in this case in the form of book pre-orders available on sites like You can check out some of the cover art below, and hit any of the title links to reserve them now. And many, if not all of the titles, are eligible for a buy 3 get the 4th free promotion on Amazon!
Turtle Power! |
Turtles to the Rescue! |
Ultimate Turtles Fan Book |
Available August 7, 2012:
Turtles to the Rescue!
Turtle Power!
Ultimate Turtles Fan Book
Mutant Origin: Leonardo/Donatello
Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael
Saved by the Shell
How to Draw TMNT |
Enter the Lair
How to Draw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Robot Rampage!
Sewer Squad!
Half-Shell Heroes!