Just released on ninjaturtles.com, you can click the image on the left to read the full press release. The contents of the release are transcribed at the bottom. The bottom line is this: The TMNT are now 100% owned by Peter Laird.
You may be asking the question, "Didn't Peter already buy out Kevin's share of the TMNT?" Well, that is certainly what Peter has lead everyone to believe ever since the mentioned June 1, 2000 date. It wasn't until just last year that we learned that Kevin still had a financial stake in the franchise due to materials written by Kevin and interviews given.
So what changes now? Nothing, really. The TMNT have been creatively Peter's since June 1, 2000.
What will never change: Kevin Eastman's work on the TMNT is forever and always Kevin Eastman's. The art, the writing, and everything else he did is his work. Peter Laird may have the legal right to do with that what he wants, but changing it will never be the morally right thing to do. And IMO, it is beyond insulting to even attempt to sell these sad and pathetic efforts to the fans.
Northampton, MA (March 12, 2008) - Dear Fans, Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman wish to let you all know that on March 1, 2008, Peter and The Mirage Group completed the buyout of Kevin's entire right, title, interest and income participation in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles property and the four Mirage corporations involved in the ownership, management and protection of the TMNT. This latest event finalizes a transaction that began on June 1, 2000, when Peter and The Mirage Group purchased all of Kevin's ownership interest in the TMNT property and the corporations, except for a small continuing income participation.
Commenting on this latest transaction, Peter said, "I want to take this opportunity to once again thank Kevin for working side by side with me in creating the TMNT and moving them from the pages of Mirage's humble comic to the heights of success they achieved in animation, movies, toys, video games and other TMNT products and entertainment. Couldn't have done it without you, dude! It was an amazing and wonderful experience."
Kevin echoed these sentiments by commenting, "When I think back to the old days, two Jack Kirby fanboy artists, the living room studio in Dover, New Hampshire, my first sketch, our first page, the first issue stacked in the living room.. sure we'd never sell a copy.. ahhh, those were the days! Peter and I lived the dream, lost some along the way, but together built a foundation, heck, an empire that lasts and still resonates with kids around the world today. I look back at this gift, this partnership, with only the fondest of memories.. knowing Pete and Mirage will take excellent care of the boys, while I seek other artistic callings."
And this announcement is probably a good place and time for us to jointly thank all you fans for being so great in opening your hearts to our characters and making the Turtles and us a part of your lives. Neither of us could have done it without you. THANKS!
[Kevin Eastman] [Peter Laird]