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Saturday, August 1, 2009

SDCC 2009 Recap: TMNT Art and Other Swag

I had a few Twitter requests to see my acquired art and swag during the Con, so I've put together a slide show showcasing what all I came home with:


  1. My jealousy knows no bounds.


  2. Isn't the crew coming to your neck of the woods soon? They visit you more than they visit CA!

  3. Man, looks like San Diego swag tends to be better than New York swag. I hope those Jake Black benefit prints become available to those who couldn't attend the SDCC soon.

    Great art collection there! Shame Dario Brizuela and Andrew Ponce weren't at NY, but then you can't have everythingin life.

    Thanks for sharing your acquisitions there, Rose.

  4. "Isn't the crew coming to your neck of the woods soon? They visit you more than they visit CA!"

    This is true.

    I never have enough money to spend on much of their stuff though, because I am a poor artist. This year I'll try to change that, but we'll see.


  5. I sooooo need 2 go 2 your house 2 steal all your stuff!

    Just joking!

    Cool stuff u got!
